Believe in love, you want - no, but when it falls on us, we are not always ready to meet this feeling.
In the women's companies typically discuss what feelings experienced ladies and how to develop their relations with the "knights". The men - a different topic: who is better - blondes or brunettes, or hudyshki pyshechki. Girls generously each other advice, but the boys prefer to solve personal problems with a good portion of alcohol. Meanwhile, scientists discovered that the biological component of love underestimated. We have no control over their desires and emotions in the sphere of love and sex. Experts say: very much determined by our genes, and the mechanism of genetic selection works even when not thinking acquire heirs, and intent only to have fun.
Fact 1. We fell in love with equal and better. The determining factor, as a rule, is similar: the role of Romeo in favor man, approximately equal to the level of education and intellect, social status, income, etc. When we see a potential candidate in the subconscious runs the program, to evaluate it for each criterion. The man also looks for the second half a little better myself. Each of us need a companion, a rich, strong and beautiful. Love - is always a compromise, and we never get an exact match with the ideal. Have to put up with disadvantages and disabilities elect. Love and love invented by nature to keep us from the constant change of partners every time as soon as the applicant a little better, prettier, smarter, younger and sexier. Love forgives, and this compromise is hidden deep biological, evolutionary sense.
Fact 2. Women tend to change partners.
She subconsciously looking for a man who will be able to create the best environment for their offspring, so it may show favor to the material security, social success to representatives of the stronger sex.
As a weighty argument in favor of treason experts nominated genetically due to the desire to hedge against the possible infertility partner. Few of the modern, smart women understand this. Men's betrayal has other roots: a man is genetically programmed to fertilization as many women to pass their genes to the maximum number of strong offspring. One serving of a healthy adult male ejaculate contains a large quantity of sperm - 150-180 million So nature increases the chances of the representative to break it to this woman.
Fact 3. Love - a special state of consciousness.
Love and love have similarities with mild nervous breakdown - in the brain experiencing similar changes. That is why we often check the mail, telephone, waiting for messages from a loved one. Approximately how it feels man with obsessive-compulsive who has not performed the usual ritual. Very difficult to resist: love is due to biochemical processes and of our will is almost independent. In love with an excess of dopamine is produced, so they feel fabulous tidal energy, specific power and inspiration, which translate into poetry, and sometimes colossal stupidity.
Doctors believe that this condition is similar to mild hypomania. In the body formed by a lot of adrenaline and noradrenaline and, as a consequence, in addition to insomnia and the rise of energy appear excitement, anxiety, palpitations and trembling limbs at the sight of a loved one, the sound of his voice, and at any news of him. Increasing the number of serotonin - because we have become incredibly talkative and love the whole world. But the state of love goes rather quickly, within a few weeks or months. It starts with the stage of stability, when the attachment is deeper and more tender. People call it a feeling of true love.
There is another variant of first love: partners who lived through the period of fever of love and madness, break up. Crises await even those who translated the relationship to a new level. Experts believe that if the couple during the first 1,5-3 years has not made a formal alliance, no proper children, joint property, did not come to a stable lifestyle with elaborated common habits and interests, the likelihood that these people are, at the end all, tell each other goodbye, very loud.
From the problems and divorce during later life, nobody is safe, most crisis - the first 1-3 years.
Fact 4. We choose each other by smell.
Attraction to a particular person is determined by the smell of his body, the so-called pheromones, produced by special glands in the axillary and inguinal basins. The smell is very faint and not detected by the consciousness, so do not confuse it with the smell of sweat produced by the same sweat glands. Nevertheless, the subconscious picks up well and appreciates pheromones, whose output depends on the person's general health, his libido and the mental state. Therefore, the subconscious is to take away "the smell" of the sexual, strong, healthy, not tired, not depressed, the younger partner.
The complex aromatic molecules have specificity depending on the type of appearance, race. This explains the fact that some "fanateyut" from blondes, and others - from the red, a color like blue eyes, and others - brown, etc. And men pay attention to the skin, women, figure, hair and teeth. This genetic indicators fermentilnosti - the ability to produce healthy offspring. Course, to explain individual tastes just the smell of the body would be too crude a simplification. Our preferences are, and socio-psychological basis: the first successful experience of love was just a blonde or a dark-haired blue-eyed. But the role of pheromones not be underestimated. They are important in shaping our stereotypical image of an ideal partner and contribute to the delicate feelings.
Fact 5. You can fall in love and in a random partner. Why do we fall in love in the people with whom nothing serious had planned? The biological reason for this is simple - the release of large quantities of the hormone oxytocin is capable of inducing the passion and start the further process of love. This nature has created a clever mechanism to ensure that we held tight to the man who brought the sexual pleasure for those who can "have sex".
The wisdom of nature is that man who is good in bed, and physically healthy, has high fertility and can be a caring father. People who have thrown out a lot during the orgasm oxytocin, particularly susceptible, as often lose their heads after accidental contact. Elevated levels of this hormone in the blood of women leads to a more vivid sex and at the same time - to an unhappy love affair on the grounds of disposable relationships.
However, these women cope with problems in a stable relationship, of course, if they succeed they build.
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